Tanzania Zanzibar Delegation Visits Ping Tai Rong Group
Publication Time:2018-05-30

Ministry delegation group from Fisheries Department of Tanzania Zanzibar paid a visit to Ping Tai Rong Ocean Fishery Group along with Provincial Fishery Association leaders on 21st, May. PTR Chairman Mr. Ni Jianbo and President Mr. Ni Yongyi welcomed them warmly.

First station, Rongzhou Company, its spacious plant and orderly management towards production field caught their eyes to look over tuna processing workshop with great interests. Furthermore modern tuna process flow was the second thing attracted the minister’s attention, so President Ni introduced how the main equipments and the production technology process work which gained his high praise.  .

Later, delegation group came to PTR Headquarter where Chairman Ni stated Ping Tai Rong’s development history as well as its tuna industry chain’s brief history, current operating state and various honors which impressed them a lot. Good image PTR have showed during this visiting which made the minister expressed his expectation to work with PTR in the future. 

